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30/03/2020 · LAGO

LAGO’s commitment to tackling the Coronavirus public health emergency

At this peculiar time, which sees the spread of an unprecedented health emergency, LAGO has decided to help the regional authorities in the Veneto region fight the COVID-19 public health crisis in a concrete way. We want to put the focus on the individual and the community, as has always been the case, and especially at this time. In the spirit of sharing, the company has donated €50,000 to buy three ventilators for the intensive care units at hospitals in Veneto, as well as contributing to fundraising organised by Assindustria Treviso-Padova, which exceeded €800,000 in 48 hours. Special attention has also been paid to the company’s employees who will be able to benefit from specific health insurance, should they test positive for COVID-19. In addition to financial compensation, the insurance also provides cover for any transportation costs from the hospital back home, any medical follow-ups following hospitalisation, and support for managing home and family life. “A week has passed since we decided to close, to safeguard, first and foremost, the health of all our staff – explains Daniele Lago, CEO & Head of Design at LAGO SpA –. Seven days after the company lockdown began, the situation remains very serious. This is why we have decided to help the regional authorities in Veneto by donating €50,000 to buy respiratory equipment for patients in intensive care. Now is the time to act, regardless of where we live. We have to give it our all. We have to stay at home, so that we can come out of this stronger and more aware than we were before.
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