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30/08/2020 · LAGO

We are open throughout August

WE ARE OPEN, WHENEVER AND WHEREVER YOU WANT. This summer is a unique one, following months of significant change. We initially sought silence, to help us better understand what was happening around us. It helped. It allowed us to react empathically and decisively. We wanted to support you in rethinking and improving probably one of the most important things for our quality of life: our homes. This is why – because we want to be by your side and because of your numerous requests for advice and products – we have decided to remain open in August for the very first time, and most of our stores are doing the same. We are in this together. After seven weeks of enforced closure, this will give us some form of stability, which we all need now more than ever. We are infinitely grateful to all those who have continued to believe in us. We are giving it our all. Have a great summer, whether at work or on holiday – both are much needed. DISCOVER ALL LAGO SERVICES DEDICATED TO YOU We are here to offer you online interior-design consultations with one of our team, whenever and wherever you want. We are here, ready to welcome you to an appointment in store, in absolute safety, throughout August. We are here, to let you experience LAGO design in all places where we spend our lives. Do you want to bring your design idea to life? FIND LAGO NEAR YOU
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