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  • LAGO Inaugurates the New "LAGO Osteria - " a Corporate Restaurant in Collaboration with Padua Based Caterer Forcellini Ristorazione

LAGO Inaugurates the New "LAGO Osteria," a Corporate Restaurant in Collaboration with Padua-Based Caterer Forcellini Ristorazione

    The company reaffirms its synergy with local associations and organizations, continuing its partnerships with Cucine Economiche Popolari di Padova and the QUID social enterprise.

Villa del Conte (PD), May 23, 2024

LAGO officially inaugurates “LAGO Osteria,” the corporate restaurant within the “LAGO Campus.” This new dining space redefines an area within the 13,000-square-meter facility, inaugurated in 2020, reinforcing the company’s vision of a sustainable and people-centered workplace. The corporate cafeteria project is part of the LAGO Sustainability Circle, a corporate hub launched last year that actively involves 25% of the company’s workforce in six working groups focused on different aspects of sustainability, including the "People" initiative, which led to the creation of this project. At the heart of this initiative is social sustainability, a key element of the collaboration with Forcellini Ristorazione. In addition to its renowned service quality, the catering company is committed to integrating workers facing employment challenges into the professional world. LAGO strongly pursued this social mission, building on an ongoing commitment that has included its long-standing collaboration with Pasticceria Giotto—the well-known pastry laboratory located inside Padua’s Due Palazzi prison, where nearly 50 inmates work alongside professional pastry chefs from the cooperative. The partnership with Forcellini Ristorazione, which is also part of the Work Crossing social cooperative, adds another milestone to LAGO’s social responsibility journey, with the goal of further supporting and expanding community-focused projects that benefit individuals facing difficulties.  

A Space Beyond a Corporate Restaurant

LAGO envisions LAGO Osteria as more than just a corporate restaurant—it aims to become a welcoming space open to external guests, reinforcing the company’s hospitality-driven culture to foster empathy and relationships. In the near future, meetings and training events will be organized, focusing on the well-being of employees and stakeholders involved in the company’s ecosystem. Among the planned initiatives is a series of sessions led by a biologist-nutritionist, who will educate employees on how to assemble a balanced, healthy meal tailored to individual dietary needs.  

A Commitment to Local Partnerships and Social Impact

The partnership with Forcellini Ristorazione is just the latest in a series of collaborations between LAGO and local organizations. At the end of 2023, the company renewed its partnership with Cucine Economiche Popolari di Padova: teams of LAGO employees volunteered at the facility, and during the Christmas season, essential goods were collected and donated to its guests. During the holiday season, LAGO also launched a collaboration with the QUID social enterprise, which promotes diversity and labor integration, particularly for women, by providing stable employment and professional training opportunities.  

A New Step Toward Workplace Well-Being

"Today, we inaugurate our new LAGO Osteria," comments Daniele Lago, CEO & Head of Design at LAGO Spa. "This project represents a step forward in creating a work environment that truly fosters well-being for those who experience it every day. LAGO has always maintained a strong connection with its local community, and once again, we have chosen to collaborate with a socially engaged organization. Creating value for the entire community is one of the most important responsibilities of modern business. Just as our design philosophy puts people at the center of everything, our economic and business model must do the same—to strengthen the company’s identity and attractiveness to today’s and tomorrow’s talents, who seek to collaborate with companies that make a positive impact.”
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