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  • LAGO presents Never Stop Respecting Tomorrow - 600 square metres of exhibition space dedicated to respect and sustainability

LAGO presents Never Stop Respecting Tomorrow, 600 square metres of exhibition space dedicated to respect and sustainability

Milan, Singapore, Vancouver and Malmö: inspired by the theme of respect and environmental sustainability, LAGO’s display space at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2019 pays homage to these four international metropolises, transforming them into four interior design projects, alternating many new products innovations with some of Daniele Lago’s most iconic designs. With the aim of exploring the concept of respect from different angles, LAGO has chosen to bring four of the most noble models of a sustainable city to this year’s trade show, each selected because of its attentive and innovative approach to the issues of environmental sustainability, mobility, growth and development, and their impact on the future. Each interior space tells a different story of experimentation and innovation, rebirth and resilience, marking out an exhibition journey that offers visitors a new vision. The journey starts in Milan, with its cycle paths and regeneration of buildings that had fallen into disuse; moving on to Singapore, the city-state that serves as an example of a smart city that has succeeded in promoting its public transport network over private vehicles; then Vancouver, 50% powered by renewable energies; and finally arriving in Malmö, which has incentivised the use of bicycles and improved its energy performance, drastically reducing its CO2 emissions. The exhibition space (pavilion 16 - B25/C34) this year has grown from 450 to 600 square metres and is enclosed within four walls that run around the perimeter, to create a private space. The neutral shades and chromatic moods chosen for the four different areas evoke natural elements such as wood, stone and marble. The interiors are brought to life with new products by LAGO, the result of months of research and new design inspiration that has led the company into a new phase in its development. Among the feature pieces in each room, there are some of the most recent designs by Daniele Lago, such as the new line of tables which includes the P&J table, U Table and MrX Table; in addition to the new Sand Sofa, the new line of Materia storage units featuring XGlass, and the capsule collection personalised with Giovanni Bonotto’s incredible textures. Then there are the wardrobes like Groove, Cut, Key and Flapp, and the new N.O.W. in the XGlass and Quick models. Other new additions to the catalogue include the Woop chair, designed by Archirivolto, and the Janeiro table, designed by Bartoli Design. THE EXHIBITION JOURNEY > Room 1 / Milan Since the turn of the century, Milan has been investing heavily in public transport and cycle paths, and has seen an increasing preference for walking, cycling and sharing schemes over private vehicles. From an architectural point of view, many of the sustainable projects (in the broadest sense of the word) are in fact restoration projects, giving new life to old industrial buildings, making them more efficient and turning them into multi-purpose spaces. > Room 2 / Singapore This city-state has become one of the world’s most important smart city models. It is a city designed for the future: reducing the use of private vehicles, building affordable and efficient public transport systems, experimenting with self-driving vehicles, offering districts with a real ethnic mix, and preferring residential construction focused on the wellbeing of residents and not on speculation. > Room 3 / Vancouver Forty years ago, this Canadian city began a noble quest that today means it is 50% powered by renewable energies, which are also used for transportation and heating. Thanks to its reorganisation of the mobility network, 30% of Vancouver’s citizens now prefer public transport or cycling to driving their own car. > Room 4 / Malmö The third largest city in Sweden, Malmö, went through a deep crisis in the eighties, caused by the collapse of the naval and automotive industry which had fuelled its economy for decades. The city’s rebirth was centred around two concepts: sustainability and integration. A far-sighted project will see Malmö running entirely on renewable energy by 2030, and serving as an example of how different cultures can live together. LAGO @MILANO DESIGN WEEK 2019 9 – 14 APRILE 2019 Never Stop Respecting Tomorrow LAGO @Salone Internazionale del Mobile Padiglione 16 – B25/C34 LAGO @Fuorisalone Casa Lago Milano – Via San Tomaso 6 Appartamento Lago Contract Lab: MAD051 Materials – Via Brera 30 Il Faro – Via Bettinelli 3 Per ulteriori informazioni: Ufficio Stampa Italia LAGO S.p.A. Spin-To – Comunicare per innovare Alessandro Bertin / Gabriella Bruzzone Mob +39 338 8291494 / +39 333 9049439 bertin@spin-to.it / bruzzone@spin-to.it www.spin-to.it
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